dinsdag 29 augustus 2017

Nickie 076

The inventor put the lady's own glasses and his camera in the pockets of  his jacket. He then grabbed his pizza box and followed the lady. She stopped near an old tree at the foot of the fortification and turned around.

"There is a first time for everything. Being followed by an almost transparent silhouette is a new experience"

"Can you describe what you are hearing?"

"Not much, really. The shy couple are talking in a low voice. A car passing by in one of the streets. No music whatsoever"

"Thank you for the brilliant athletic posing, I really enjoyed it"

"My pleasure. Do you mind if I climb the stairs again? I'd like to sing a few lines of a song, for my own entertainment"

"I will be delighted to see and hear you sing again. Can I take a picture?"

"Yes, after the first verse. You can follow me now"

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