zondag 27 augustus 2017

Nickie 044

The singer did not move an inch. The inventor could see that she was absorbing her surroundings without any visible emotion.

"It looks like I'm back in the past"

"Good. Take your time. Then tell me what you see"

"No changes in the park itself. More people but no crowd. Only adults. Men in hats, wearing either a mustache or a beard. Their suits look a bit modern compared with what I saw through the lorgnette but not all that much. Some of the men wear pince-nez similar to mine. Hardly any change in the outfits of the women. They are all in long dresses or in long skirts. Some are in hats. None of them are wearing pince-nez. They stand in small groups and some of the groups are looking towards the stage, as if something is about to happen there. I see no activity on stage. A few men are looking at something next to the stage but a small group of trees is barring my view"

"OK, that's a clear description. Now tell me, can you hear anything?"

"Some people in a few groups are talking but in a low voice. It sounds like murmuring because of the distance. No rattle of horse and cart in the streets. Hold on.... someone just starts to play a piano and it comes from the same direction as last time. It's low in the mix because of the murmuring but I will try to concentrate on it"

"Take your time. There is no rush"

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