zondag 27 augustus 2017

Nickie 040

A rather long silence followed. The lady did not move. She was clearly observing and absorbing her surroundings as if something had changed.

"This is amazing, My Lord. Truly amazing. I never saw anything like it"

"Take your time. Then try to describe what you see"

"The park is basically the same. Nice and quiet. There are some visitors. Mothers with children. A middle aged man reading a newspaper. And an elderly couple. They are all dressed in the style of the old cabinet portraits. Quite formal and not much variation in color. The mothers are keeping their children away from the grass. The children don't run around. They almost behave like miniature adults"

"Can you hear anything?"

"Some rattling noise from the streets. Perhaps a horse and cart. And somebody playing a piano in the far distance. It may come from a room with an open window. Classical music, intermediate level. Fairly simple pieces. An error here and there. Now it's gone. The pianist may be taking a break"

"Can you describe how you are feeling?"

"Still a bit on guard. The weird thing is that you have become almost transparent. All your contours are there but I can see the background features in the park right through your silhouette. Like a ghost image. It's reassuring to hear your voice. Like a lifeline. Do keep talking to me. Otherwise I would feel lonely and even lost. None of the people in the park seem to be taking any notice of me. It makes me wonder if they can see me at all. Hold on...."

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