dinsdag 31 juli 2018

Whitney 148

Glasses: Metzler, 1969 / 1970
[L: -2.00; c-0.50 h / R: -3.00; c-0.50 h]

"Yes, that's a nice frame and I like the tinted lenses" (SNAP)

"These glasses are beginning to warp. It's good that this photo saves them for posterity"

"I have a request. Is there anything more revolutionary in the box?"

"There are three or four pairs left. One of them is a good example of the hippie glasses that were popular in the late sixties. Mind you, not at this school but in the old part of the city. And I have a contemporary newspaper from the alternative scene in my rucksack".

"Now you're talking. Hand those to me and I will make a statement".

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