zondag 29 juli 2018

Whitney 095

Glasses: Zenni 129025
[L=R: -8.00]

The inventor and the model followed the owners through the house into the back garden.

"Do you recognize anything in this garden, Mr. Photographer?"

"That would have been a miracle after 55 years. Only the parapet, the canal and the view on the tower of my preparatory high school. Time for a switch of glasses. This pair has a nice touch of the cat eye style. Same strength, minus eight in both lenses".

"Can I switch glasses without going through the fog twice? That would speed things up. Or is there a risk?"

"None whatsoever. Here is a hand mirror. You can check your looks".

The model changed glasses and had a good look in the mirror.

"These look great. You have an amazing collection". (SNAP)

"We have permission to take the stairs down to the canal. Shall we continue there?"

"Sure. It will be cooler there, don't you think?"

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