vrijdag 24 maart 2017

Merle 123

"In a minute, Merle. Allow me just a few short questions about the glasses now you still have them on. How is the eyesight and did the blur near the corners bother you?"

The young artist nodded and turned her head towards the horizon.

"Everything is crystal clear, even in the far distance. And it's amazing how fast you get used to the ghost images near the corners. It may make no sense to you but I think the weird effects helped me to compose the song. They confined my view so I was forced to focus all the time. Do you have enough pictures?"

"Hold on, just a sec...." (snap) "Thank you. Now give me one final pose straight in the face, and then you can take the glasses off"

"What a pity to part with your magic glasses. In all honesty, I was just beginning to get attached to them"

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