donderdag 16 augustus 2018

Chanel 172

Geesje never posed in glasses but my theory is that she may well have been shortsighted as this would explain the absent look in her eyes when Breitner took his photos of her. She was a girl from the working class, earning a fee of two guilders per session. The equivalent of one euro nowadays but back then it was considered an acceptable fee. Glasses were expensive in the 1890's and there was a strict code against full time wear, especially for girls and women. The famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt (b. 1844 - d. 1923) was very shortsighted but she only used visual aid in private. Never on stage. Two face à main of Sarah are now in the Pierre Marly Museum. Her prescription was minus ten. If everything is in a massive blur, one has to rely on introspection and imagination. I use the same principle in many photo shoots. Many models find it easier to pose in glasses way beyond their own prescription than in glasses near their own prescription. Same principle but used the other way round. And it works! 

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