dinsdag 30 mei 2017

Nicole 142

What could happen next? Anything could happen to a beautiful young lady who carried her first photo shoot with ease, creating marvelous portraits like this.
There is a touch of the famous "Girl with a pearl earring" in Nicole's expression and posing here. Scarlet Johansson might agree. And the legendary master painter Vermeer might rise from the grave, inviting Nicole to sit for him.
Impossible? Something similar happened in my presence four years ago during a night photo shoot with the distinguished Czech model Simona on Bray Beach in Ireland. All of a sudden this 17th century figure was standing behind me, asking if I was Vermeer of ladies in glasses. He requested to sit in with us and make a pencil drawing of Simona while we continued working with my Camera Obscura. He introduced himself as Van Rijn. Making the pencil drawing of Simona took Rembrandt only five minutes. He offered it to me as a gift but eventually we settled for the price of a pint. The next moment he was gone up in smoke.
So yes, Nicole. Anything could happen if you might decide to do more photo shoots.... But let's finish the present photo shoot first, with an encore series from the alley.

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