woensdag 5 december 2018

Dana 079

Glasses: pince-nez, made between 1900 and 1910
[L: -5.25 / R: -6.50]

The photo shoots with Tereza and Nerissa took place on a typical Indian Summer day. Unfortunately for Dana, autumn had set in the next day and temperatures had dropped at least ten degrees. Poor Dana arrived shivering from the cold. High time for a big mug of hot tea. And another one. She was clearly in no condition for an outdoor photo shoot so we made a gentle start in the apartment. The central heating system showed no sign of life when I tried to reanimate it. Small mishap number two. Yet Dana gradually got into her stride and armed with a long coat, she kindly agreed to do the final part of the photo shoot at the edge of the park. Needless to say, we worked as quick as possible. I had told Dana about the experiment with a time machine created by an antique pince-nez made shortly before 1910 when the houses in Kodanska were built. The pince-nez gave her excellent eyesight in the left eye. This photo was taken at the very moment the time machine started to work.

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