donderdag 18 oktober 2018

Tereza 053

Asymmetry is often regarded the antagonist of beauty but this is not entirely right. If you look well at the faces of beautiful women you will always notice a bit of asymmetry that brings spice to her - in portraits but also in real life. Too much symmetry in a face can be boring and even unnatural. But let's talk glasses.... Most frames are designed to create a balance in a woman's face. Some compensation for facial shapes that don't match the dream of perfection. But what is perfection? Many women hate their glasses because they are a symbol of the fact that their eyesight is not perfect.
High time for designers to experiment with asymmetrical frames. See how it works. Three years ago I spotted the first pair of asymmetrical glasses in the shop window of an optician. Münster, Germany. A rather small red frame. And soon afterwards there was Zenni with this fairly large grey frame.... bless their guts.

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