dinsdag 1 mei 2018

Chanel 106

Selecting the most suitable glasses for a new model always goes in two steps. The preliminary selection is my task and I always bring a wide array of styles. The second step is mainly done by the model. A gentleman should always give a lady a choice but I always give a bit of advice. Generally speaking, models with perfect eyesight are interested in trying out as many styles as possible. This makes sense. Everything is new to them. By contrast, models who wear prescription glasses on a daily basis have already developed an outspoken taste for frames that suit them best. The problem is often the limited variation in frames offered by opticians. This is not their fault. It's simply a matter of what is promoted by the brands and this is heavily influenced by trends in fashion. The generation of Chanel has seen little else than the black hipster glasses that swept away the retro style of the 1990's and 2000's. It's always nice to hear the reactions of young models when they get the chance to make the acquaintance of the styles that were popular during the 1970's and 1980's. Chanel discovered that rounded frames really suit her face. She also clearly prefers thin frames over massive frames. This Rodenstock pair is not thin but the soft red and transparent frame does not dominate her face at all. This is Chanel with glasses, not glasses with Chanel. The black hipster style did not suit all faces. During the past year, it seems like thin, rounded metal frames are becoming the new trend. During her photo shoot, Chanel said that she will be looking for large, thin metal frames when it's time for new glasses.

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